Type Information

phUML can extract type information from doc blocks

  • It can extract return types via the @return tag
  • It can extract scalar type hints via the @param tag
  • It can extract types from attributes via the @var tag

The class below will show type information for all of its properties and methods

final class WithTypes
    // In this case type is taken from its declaration
    private string $name;

    /** @var DateTime */
    private $dob;

    // This one does not need a doc block since the type is extracted
    // directly from the method's signature
    public function __construct(DateTime $dob)
        $this->dob = $dob;

     * @param string $name
     * @return void
    public function rename($name)
        $this->name = $name;

Nullable and union types from DocBlocks

If you can't migrate to a recent PHP version, phUML can extract, nullable and union types from DocBlocks that follow PSR-5, as shown in the example below.

final class FilteredAttributesBuilders
    /** @var ?VisibilityFilter */
    private $filter;

     * @param Stmt|Param $parsedAttribute
     * @param UseStatements $useStatements
     * @return ?Attribute
    public function build($parsedAttribute, $useStatements)

How phUML handles array

If array is found in a type declaration for an attribute or parameter, phUML will try to extract a more accurate type from the doc block, if present.

final class WithTypeDeclarationsForArray
    /** @var ClassDefinition[] */
    private array $classes;

    /** @param ClassDefinition[] */
    public function __construct(array $classes)
        $this->classes = $classes;

    /** @return ClassDefinition[] */
    public function classes(): array
        return $this->classes;

In the 3 cases above, phUML will use ClassDefinition[] instead of array.